Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Jumala Game Info

Jumala or Estonian: Jumal or Mari: Jumo means "god" in Finnic languages and Volga-Finnic languages, both the Christian god and any other deity of any religion. The word is thought to have been the name of a sky god of the ancient Finnic-speaking peoples. Jumala as a "god of the sky" is associated with the related Estonian Jumal, Mari Jumo, Udmurt Inmar, Komi Jen, Nenets Num, and Bjarmian Jomali and is thought to stem from an ancient Uralic "god of the sky" tradition.

The name was borrowed from Baltic languages (cf. Jumis — Latvian god of fertility, one of the Divine twins). This name replaced the aboriginal Finno-Ugric word for "heaven", which is preserved in the Permian languages and Finnic Ilmarinen.

In Jumala, players are encouraged to discover and unlock new features that improve their design skills and enhance the gameplay experience by rewarding them for achievements as they build and play. For example, players can earn game designer skill points by adding collectibles, enemies or modifying elements in an existing game or by creating an entirely new game.

Built to be social, Jumala allows players to find and play games created by other community members and rewards creators when their games are played. Additionally, players can chat and collaborate with friends in Jumala while playing or building games. In the future, Jumala will offer additional features such as leader boards for the designer and the player to see how friends are doing in their games, gifting to friends and integration with other popular social media platforms.

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